Membership is open to any person of professional competency, integrity and good moral character who is actively engaged in forensic science education. Members of the Council are employed by various public and private educational institutions and are in all academic ranks. Some are college administrators and have responsibility for running forensic science programs. Although some are part time, most are full time educators. Some have experience as crime laboratory directors. Some have spent their careers working with undergraduates while others work exclusively with graduate students and others work with both. To apply for membership, please fill out the application below. Your application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee at our annual meeting each February and you will be notified soon after with a letter of acceptance and information about payment of dues.
Yearly membership dues are $25.00 and are not due until you are voted into membership. Dues are collected yearly between March – June.
There are five classes of membership of the Council: full member, associate member, retired member, honorary member and sponsoring member. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of the qualifications prescribed below:
FULL MEMBER: The applicant must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate employee of a college or university teaching forensic science, or at least 12 credit hours per year in a forensic science teaching, research or administration position. Only full members are eligible to vote and hold offices in the Council.
ASSOCIATE MEMBER: The applicant must be a part-time or adjunct undergraduate or graduate employee of a college or university teaching forensic science, or a full-time undergraduate or graduate employee of a college or university teaching courses directly related to a forensic science education program, or a certified high school teacher teaching forensic science courses, or an individual professionally engaged in forensic science education and training. Associate members are not eligible to vote or hold offices in the Council.
RETIRED MEMBER: Members may apply to the Board to be classified as a Retired member if they are retired from forensic science education and have taught for at least 5 years in a forensic science program. Such applications shall be forwarded to the membership Committee for review.
HONORARY MEMBER: A person who has rendered significant service to the Council of who has made unique or exceptional contributions to forensic science education ma be invited to become an Honorary member. Such persons shall be invited to honorary membership after unanimous approval by the Board.
SPONSORING MEMBER: A person or organization which has rendered significant support of service to the Council may be invited to become a Sponsoring Member. Such persons or organizations shall be recommended by the membership Committee and approved by the Executive Board.