Do you want to become more involved in the Council of Forensic Science Educators’ initatives?  Members can join one of COFSE’s sub-committees, giving them the chance to actively participate in forensic science education nationwide. Follow the links below to learn more about each committee, and contact the officers to find out how to become involved.

Membership and Outreach Committee

Chaired by the President-Elect and comprised of the Secretary and two additional members appointed by the President in staggered two year terms. The Membership and Outreach Committee shall: review all membership applications and recommend honorary and sponsoring memberships, be responsible for recruiting forensic science educators as COFSE members, oversee all external communications including the Website, newsletters, and oversee any other appropriate communications with Council members, educators, and the general public. The Chair shall prepare a written report of committee activities annually and present report at the annual meeting of COFSE.

Higher Education Committee

Appointed Chair and three additional members appointed by the Council President in staggered two year terms. The Higher Education Committee will conduct studies on and provide pertinent information on undergraduate forensic science education, research, and training.  This information will include institutions offering forensic science degrees, degrees offered, degree requirements, forensic science courses offered, faculty, and affiliations with forensic science laboratories. The Chair shall prepare a written report of committee activities annually and present report at the annual meeting of COFSE.

K-12 Forensic Science Education Committee

Appointed Chair and three additional members appointed by the Council President in staggered two year terms. The K-12 Forensic Science Education Committee will connect K-12 educators with other educators as well as experts in the field and provide pertinent information on K-12 forensic science education, research, and training. The Chair will be responsible for: establishing connections to various forensic science professionals, publications, universities, and websites, collaborating with the committee members, and upholding the objectives as set in the Bylaws at the K-12 level. Two members, preferably K-12 Educators, will be responsible for recruiting new members, updating the K-12 Educator’s contact information, and maintaining any other type of social networking as developed by the committee. The other two members, preferably collegiate level, will act as consultants or advisors for the committee. These members will also provide any support or advice on curriculum, training, conferences, and research pertaining to forensic science education. The Chair shall prepare a written report of committee activities annually and present report at the annual meeting of COFSE.

Research Committee

Appointed Chair and three additional members appointed by the Council President in staggered two year terms, one of whom is also an editor in chief for the Journal of Forensic Science Education, the official publication of COFSE.  The Research Committee shall be responsible for identifying needs in the forensic science community, encouraging active collaboration between forensic educators and practitioners, facilitating research opportunities between academic institutions, crime laboratories and industry, and promoting efforts to support the dissemination of research in the areas of forensic science and forensic education.  The committee shall prepare a written report of committee activities annually and present the report at the annual meeting of COFSE.

Nominating Committee

Chaired by the Immediate Past President, and constituted of the Higher Education Committee Chair, and two at-large members appointed by the President. This committee shall annually recommend a slate of Members for the elected offices of the Council. The Nominating Committee shall submit its nominations at the Annual meeting. Nominations for any elective office may be made from the floor during the Council’s annual business meeting.

Delta Delta Epsilon Committee

Appointed Chair and two additional members (Vice Chair and Secretary) appointed by the Council President in staggered two year terms. The Delta Delta Epsilon (DDE) Committee will establish guidelines for chartering Delta Delta Epsilon forensic honor society chapters at colleges and universities and will act to approve the establishment of such chapters. The Delta Delta Epsilon Committee will also conduct periodic reviews of the status of Delta Delta Epsilon chapters and report on same at the annual meeting of the Council. The Delta Delta Epsilon Committee will have the power to revoke charters of DDE chapters. The mission of the Delta Delta Epsilon Society is to function as an honor society for students and professionals of forensic science. The activities of the Society shall be designed to stimulate academic achievement, promote community understanding, and advance the fields of forensic science. The Chair shall prepare a written report of committee activities annually and present report at the annual meeting of COFSE.

Executive Board

The Board consists of the elected Council Officers: President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The general management of the Council, including collection and disbursement of funds, annual meetings, and communication to members, shall be the responsibility of the Board.  To ensure the most diverse and broad representation, no more than two elected officers from the same academic institution will serve on the Board at any given time.